Welcome to the Monkeys from Mars blog! Here you will find specials, news and sneak peeks at upcoming items.

www.MonkeysFromMars.com - your one-stop-shop for all your fun & funky needs! 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back in business

Nothing like trying to start a new business to tempt fate into making you sick. Blah. Ah well, it's over & I'm back to work. :-)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Woman at work

Monkeys from Mars is prepping to go live! 

Soon I'll have the store bio, shipping policies and such online. Not sure if I'm happy with the logo, but it's a first step. I'm sure it will be revised and tweaked. 

I'm about to take a break from the virtual and start back working on tons of funky monkey merchandise.......too fun!


I've decided that the monkey's butt looks blurry. Blah. Is it just my tired eyes, or is his butt fuzzy?

Saturday, August 2, 2008


This is a test of the Emergency Blogging System. This is only a test. 

If this had been an actual emergency, this post would have been followed by official information, news or instructions. 

Monkeys from Mars serves the greater interweb area. 

This concludes this test of the Emergency Blogging System.